
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Friday 9 June 2017

How to Teach Your Baby Math (The Gentle Revolution Series)

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Time and again, the work performed at The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has demonstrated that children from birth to age six are capable of learning better and faster than older children. How To Teach Your Baby To Read shows just how easy it is to teach a young child to read, while How To Teach Your Baby Math presents the simple steps for teaching mathematics through the development of thinking and reasoning skills. Both books explain how to begin and expand each program, how to make and organize necessary materials, and how to more fully develop your child’s reading and math potential. 
How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge shows how simple it is to develop a program that cultivates a young child’s awareness and understanding of the arts, science, and nature―to recognize the insects in the garden, to learn about the countries of the world, to discover the beauty of a Van Gogh painting, and much more. How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence provides a comprehensive program for teaching your young child how to read, to understand mathematics, and to literally multiply his or her overall learning potential in preparation for a lifetime of success.
The Gentle Revolution Series:
The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has been successfully serving children and teaching parents for five decades. Its goal has been to significantly improve the intellectual, physical, and social development of all children. The groundbreaking methods and techniques of The Institutes have set the standards in early childhood education. As a result, the books written by Glenn Doman, founder of this organization, have become the all-time best-selling parenting series in the United States and the world.


Glenn Doman received his degree in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1940. From that point on, he began pioneering the field of child brain development. In 1955, he founded The Institutes' world-renowned work with brain-injured children had led to vital discoveries regarding the growth and development of well children. The author has lived with, studied, and worked with children in more than one hundred nations, ranging from the most civilized to the most primitive. Doman is also the international best-selling author of six books, all part of the Gentle Revolution Series, including How To Teach Yor Baby To Read, How To Teach Your Baby Math, and How To Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge.

Douglas Doman is Vice President of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential and the son of
founder Glenn Doman. His early years working at The Institutes were spent establishing the School for Human Development for brain-injured young adults. He worked closely with Bruce Hagy to create the world’s first Human Development Course, a circuit of physical activities that promote neurological organization and development.

Janet Doman is the director of The Institutes and Glenn’s daughter. She was actively involved in helping brain-injured children by the time she was nine years old, and after completing her studies at the University of Pennsylvania, devoted herself to helping parents discover the vast potential of their babies and their own potential as teachers.
Janet Doman 


(1) A nice book to read (but why not borrow it?) - I rate this 5 stars not because it's extremely well written, or because I followed it perfectly and got great results but instead 1) because I think it has some valuable concepts to understand if you really want to teach your baby math. Like the difference between teaching counting and teaching quantity and 2) I think it is very helpful with understanding the *potential* your baby has to understand math. Really. You aren't going to get your baby to understand math extremely well unless you understand that it's even possible. This book can help convince you of that. :) And 3) Respect for the authors' efforts in researching and disseminating the topic.
on April 19, 2015

(2) The best money you will have ever spent towards a childs future. - When you're a parent, you want to give your kids the best in life. I've done just that. I've read most of Glenn Domans books from the library and bought the others. Glenn Doman teaches right brain learning and I even stumbled upon a site called and brill that has free material and explains right brain learning in a lot of detail. I only wish I learned of this sooner so I would have been better prepared before my first child was born and I wish that all children can benefit from this.
on September 27, 2015

TEACH Your Children How to Behave

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Kids driving you nuts? Don't hide in the closet with a box full of cookies. TEACH Your Children How to Behave! Have you ever wondered how teachers can get a class of 20 to 30 little ones to sit still, listen carefully and follow directions while you sometimes struggle to manage with only two or three? It's not magic. The truth is teachers spend years in the classroom learning strategies that get kids to listen—strategies that will work for you too!   In “TEACH Your Children How to Behave,” you'll learn how to:
  • Set reasonable expectations for your children's unique ages, personalities and ability levels.
  • Prevent your children's bad behavior BEFORE it starts.
  • Choose consequences that really work!
  • Respond to 25 of the most common behavior problems parents deal with today—problems including arguing, hitting, lying, attitude problems, whining and more!
  • Teach your child how to make better choices in the future, so you aren't repeating yourself again and again.
  Your children want to behave; they just don't always know how. You have to teach them. And it's a lot easier than you might think. Say goodbye to endless arguments and constant power struggles. TEACH your children how to behave and enjoy spending time as a family once again! This book will show you how.


A devoted Christian, wife and mother, Brittany loves helping other women grow in these roles as well. When she isn’t busy taking care of her growing family, you can find her at Equipping Godly Women, where she regularly shares tips, tricks and encouragement to help you be the amazing woman God created you to be. Brittany also has a thriving online community on Facebook as well.

Brittany Ann
